Austria | Österreich
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The law about smoking
In 2005 smoking was banned in public buildings. Smoking areas in public buildings are allowed if the smoke does not enter the non-smoking zone. Smoking was also banned in educational institutions and public transport.
Smoking in workplaces, where smokers and non-smokers are not separated, has been forbidden. In indoor workplaces other than bars and restaurants, smoking is banned if nonsmoking employees have to work with smoking employees in offices or office-like rooms. Areas for smoking are allowed if the smoke does not enter the nonsmoking area.
- Austrian trains smoke free 1 September 2007.
- Austria introduced a partial smoking ban in bars and restaurants on January 1, 2009
- All establishments of 80 sqm or more to build separate smoking-rooms if they choose to serve smokers.
- Bigger establishments that do not wish to become entirely smoke-free will have to turn at least 50 % of their surface into protected no-smoking areas. Those that do plan a partition had until 1 July, 2010 to do so and can continue to allow smoking until then.
- Restaurants, bars or cafes smaller than 50sqm will have to decide whether to go all non-smoking or remain cigarette-friendly. Cafes, clubs and restaurants will have to post large signs at the entrance -green for non-smoking and red for smoking to indicate their preference.
- For those restaurants, bars or cafes between 50 sqm and 80 sqm, owners will have to pick between the two options unless the authorities deem it possible to create a separate room.
In case of violations of the smoking ban, the law foresees fines for both restaurant owners and guests, ranging between 100 and 1,000 Euro for patrons and between 2,000 and 10,000 Euro for owners.