Czech Republic | Česká republika
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The law in the Czech Republic
Since January 1st, 2006, smoking is banned in public places (e. g. in closed spaces accessible to the public, means of public transport, spaces intended for purposes connected with public transport, bus, tram and railway stop shelters and waiting rooms, etc.) in schools
- in restaurants (if they do not have separated spaces reserved for smokers and marked with highly visible sign “Prostor vyhrazený pro kouření” (“Space reserved for smokers”) and well arranged ventilation in closed entertainment facilities (i. e. theaters, galleries, concert halls, sport halls, etc.)
- inside medical facilities
- in buildings of public administration
The exception to this is in cases where there are special, “structurally separate sections reserved for smokers”.
The Act also says that such areas should be clearly marked with “Prostor vyhrazený pro kouření – “Space Reserved for Smoking”). The law introduces financial penalties for operators breaching the law on smoking, for example a pub owner who allows smoking will be fined or banned from running the pub for two years. Smokers who do not observe these rules can be fined up to CZK 1,000.
- In workplaces, smoking is banned, with the possibility of smoking rooms.
In April 2007, the Parliament passed an anti-smoking bill ought to limit smoking in restaurants and other public areas. Separate premises in restaurants, cafes and bars have to be reserved for smokers.
Smoking is absolutely forbidden in Czech trains since December 2007. The fine for smoking in trains are CZK 100. The ban applies also for the international trains, where smoking is still permitted. The passengers will be allowed to smoke only till they arrive to the Czech borders.
Cigarette sales from vending machines are banned and the shops allowed to sell cigarettes are restricted to mainly tobacco shops and supermarkets.
It is forbidden in the Czech Republic to sell tobacco products to people under 18 years of age.