Hungary | Magyarország
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The law of Hungary
It´s not allowed to designate smoking area or smoking room:
- within primary health care and outpatient specialist care units,
- in retail pharmacies that are open for access by patients,
- within premises of institutions of public education that are accessed by students;
- in day-care or residential care service units for children;
- in social care Units;
- on public transport facilities, including commuters’ trains as well as buses in scheduled domestic interurban public traffic 24
- in indoor areas of sports facilities designed for carrying out sports activities;
The employers should provide adequate protection to non-smokers in the workplace. Designated smoking areas may be provided. Schools and workplaces can be declared totally smoke-free if the majority of employers agree to introduce smoke-free regulations
Hungarian law requires restaurants to have both smoking and non-smoking areas, but a smoking area shall not be designated within the same premises (e.g. in a restaurant), except if the indoor air of such area can be separated from the remaining part thereof, or if separation can be executed by using appropriate ventilation techniques;
- It is forbidden the sale of tobacco products in educational establishments, social, welfare and health care institutions;
- Tobacco cannot be sold to minors under 18 years or distributed as free samples.
In 2009, smoking is going to be banned in most public places including restaurants, bars, etc.