What Smoking can do to you
Just click on the Links below!
Ich sehe tote Menschen/I see dead People
Choosing to smoke affects EVERYONE!
Quit smoking today. Think about your child.
Don’t follow the crowd. Think for yourself
Warning: Smoking can seriously damaging your health
Imagine how it damages your inside
Cigarettes are bullies
Smoking and its effects on Health – Stop today!
What Smoking really does to your Lungs
Smoking hits you like a punch in your face!
Kids are 2x as likely to use tobacco if their big bother or sister does
Don’t let tobacco decide for you! Decide for yourself!
Passive Exposure to Tobacco Smoke in Children
Smoking brings bad luck. It may kill you
Second hand smoke isn’t the only killer..
Kids smoking
Kids activities against Smoking
10 year old boy ask for lights
Mums reaction about smoking kids